I ran into a a small problem after activating the TYPO3 debug mode in my ddev TYPO3 development installation. When opening the Configuration Presets again, I was greeted with the following error:
Upon investigating the Ajax error shown below the message I saw it was throwing an exception:
Instead of increasing the debugging output as suggested, I guessed that – short of fixing the underlying function – deactivating deprecation notices would do the trick for now, hoping that the TYPO3 devs will fix this in an upcoming release. So I jumped into the console, navigated to /config/system
and edited the file additional.php
, and found the following lines:
A little addition, and everything worked out fine:
I might need to adjust this, if other errors show up, but for now it’s fine. On the downside I will not catch any deprecated stuff for now, but I can live with that.
Documentation used: